A Novel

I write my own story. For those of you who don't like it, well, as if there is anything you can do other than f-off :P

New Moon Officail trailer

Finally the New Moon trailer is out.

Seem like it stays loyal to the novel. The trailer doesn't really excite me though, probably because I have passed the-twilight-obsession-period.

To my astonishment, the werewolf looks kinda cute. I was imagining something real hairy and intimidating. Well, it is still to early to say that.

Definitely will watch it!! :)


I know right! I saw the trailer a few days ago. But you'll have to admit that the make up and special effects seem better.

Still can't wait to watch it, hope it's not too much of a let down like Twilight.


haha...hope so since the story is really nice. After all, the main reason I watch it would be for EDWARD!!!! hahahahaha


But New Moon is all about Jacob and Bella and it's my least favourite chapter because Edward is not around!

I know.. Robert Pattinson makes me drool..